Thursday, March 24, 2011

81: The smartest kid on the block

Now that I'm a professional paper maker, I want to make some recycled, recyclable miracle grow starter pots for my garden this spring. I made some forms, added some Miracle Grow and made some paper

Took the wet paper sheets and wrapped them onto the forms
Let them dry - that clumpy one was my first. Beautiful masterpiece isn't it :)
later, rinse and repeat.
I started out folding the wet sheets over plastic pots from last year, then realized I didn't have enough. I tried tin foil, but realized I didn't have a ton of that either. Remembering the HUGE pile of paper on my counter (we're making paper out of paper remember?) I made some forms and that seemed to work out great. Let them dry in the garage for a few days and when it's time for starting some seeds, you've got some great pots that you can plant straight into your garden!

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